Register for The Poetry Room: December 2024
Course dates: Thursdays 28 November, 5, 12 and 19 December 2024, 2–4pm UK.
The Poetry Room is a four-week online mini course facilitated by Anthony Anaxagorou. The purpose of The Poetry Room is to find innovative ways of getting poems up on their feet by leading with a series of distinct prompts focused on certain themes and subjects.
These will be generative workshops. Each week poets will meet for two hours on a Thursday afternoon, where Anthony will discuss a number of theoretical elements aimed at enhancing poetic practice then close-read a poem related to the theme of the day’s workshop. From there, poets will be given a set time to respond to the prompt which will then be followed by a secondary instruction and a sharing.
The course is open to all, from those just beginning their poetry journey to the more advanced.
In the event that you are unable to attend a workshop, we can send you a link to a video recording of that session to watch back.
Each course is limited to 15 participants.
Course Fee: £230